We build great software to help eCommerce site owners automate and have greater insights into their business.
Who we are

Spark Shipping was a product created out of the need of it's parent company Sparkwire Solutions Inc.. Since 2010 Sparkwire Solutions we've been developing custom software for our clients. In 2011, after working with several eCommerce sites it was time for Sparkwire Solutions to get into the eCommerce business itself by launching it's own network of eCommerce sites.
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Spark Shipping
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Built from Our Own Needs
Our eCommerce business started to rapidly grow but so did the time involved in running the business. We knew that we needed to automate our core processes. We set out to build a product internally to automate our own eCommerce business. In late 2013, after years of building our internal eCommerce automation platform we realized we had something that we wanted to share with others. This is how Spark Shipping was born.
Constant Evolution
Using our core automation technology we're able to rapidity build and deploy new features to Spark Shipping. Since we're both the creators and first users we're always pushing to make Spark Shipping the best eCommerce automation product on the market!
Our mission to help eCommerce store owners automation and increase the profits of their business.